The best archery podcasts

Mimi Landström puts her headphones on for some of the best podcasts about archery

There are many archery podcasts on the scene right now, some new, some old. Podcasts are on the rise in popularity. They are great to listen to at the range, at home, driving or commuting (if that’s even a thing anymore!) Pretty much every podcast can be listened to around the world, making them incredibly accessible. 

So, let’s take a look at what is out there, who they are aimed at and why you should listen in!

Bowjunky Archery Podcast 

Running since: 2016
Total episodes: 214
Host: Greg Poole

About: “All archery all the time” is the slogan for Bowjunky Media

Available on: Apple, Podbean, Podnews, Listennews, Podchaser. Along on the Bowjunky Media website.

Bowjunky Archery Podcasts started out with Dan McCarthy and Greg Poole together, talking archery and interviewing archers. Now, the podcast is archer and event focused. Greg interviews elite archers from around the world, including Ella Gibson, Dave Cousins, Liko Arreola, Jesse Broadwater. There is a heavy focus on American compound archers in the podcasts, but with a wide variety of them. If there is ever any gossip or story to be told, Greg’s is the podcast to listen to. 

The average time for Bowjunky’s podcasts are between an hour and an hour and a half. While there is a lot of information, interviews and fun, these podcasts are more for the dedicated archers around the world. This is purely because a lot of topics covered are for competition archers, 3D, field and target. There is also a variety of hunting podcasts thrown in, appealing more to the American market, and less so in the UK and Europe.

One of the best episodes, suiting all levels of archers, is from 21 February 2022. Greg spoke to the Shot IQ creator, Joel Turner, about the program and how it can and does benefit archers around the world. It has a lot of great insight into training, theories and ideas behind certain ways of training, and how blank boss could actually hinder archers rather than benefit them. Most recently, they interviewed the UK’s own Ella Gibson. 

Nock On 

Running since: 2014
Total episodes: 317
Host: John Dudley 

About: Educational archery podcast, with insight into the sport and new information within the industry.

Nock On Podcasts are on the longer side of the archery episode lengths, ranging from around an hour to over two hours. Some podcasts are heavy on hunting, which might appeal less to UK listeners as it is not legal to bow hunt in the UK.

John Dudley has long made a big name for himself on the archery scene, with publicity, products and even a PSE Nock On bow. (He used to write for Bow International, too!) Dudley’s social media has a great following, which helps to launch and promote a podcast like his. 

For newbie compound archers, Nock On give a lot of insight into compound bows, set up, competing and how to be successful with a compound bow. A variety of guests appear throughout the years, including Chris Bee recently. The layout of the podcast is more conversational than strictly interviewing, which makes it a very easy and enjoyable listen. 

A brilliant episode recently is episode 315, with Royce Gracie. While the guest is a UFC Hall of Famer, the insight into how to win is great. All levels of archers could benefit from listening to it to see how different sports can be likened to archery. John Dudley helps the listeners to understand how to compare a UFC Champion’s learning to archery, as Dudley has won major titles in his time.

Archery On My Mind 

Running since: 2021
Total episodes: 8
Host: Guy Matzkin 

About: Exploring the mental game of archery and how to win with the best archers.

Available on: Apple, Podchaser, Amazon, Podbay, Buzzsprout, PlayerFM. Also available on Archer Method website.

Guy Matzkin is no stranger to the international stage; he is a former international archer and Olympic coach. So, he knows the dedication that is needed to become a champion. He has created a podcast with the elite of the elite. 

Starting with Sarah Prieels, who is possibly one of the best indoor archers on the compound scene, he also features Jeff Henckels, Ryan Tyack, and Lina Björkland. Guy is not shy when interviewing champions of all disciplines. 

This podcast is more for the competitive archers looking to reach the next level, rather than the grassroots archer just starting out. While it will benefit any level of archer, having the inside scoop on how a champion’s mind works would matter more to a seasoned archer. 

Listening to how champions of all disciplines, barebow, compound, recurve, field, and target talk to Guy and explain their thoughts and feelings while competing or training gives the listeners a lot of intel. How they could improve, how they can progress mentally and physically.

Guy is a very knowledgeable podcast host; he has the understanding and knows the right questions to ask to help gain knowledge for the listeners. Having a clear and crisp sound is essential to a podcast, and Guy definitely hits that mark with Archery On My Mind. 

Easton Target Archery Podcast

Running since: 2015
Total episodes: 177 to date
Host: George Tekmitchov and Steve Anderson

About: All things archery, Olympic Champions, World Champions. 

Available on: Apple, Podbean, Google, Amazon and Spotify. Also on the Easton Target Archery website.

The most well-known target archery podcast brings the fun, entertainment, and archery knowledge all into one place. In a recent interview with George and Steve, they both commented that they have barely scratched the surface with this podcast. They’ve been able to access pretty much any archer in the world to get a better understanding of elite archers and competition. If there is ever any news in the archery world, it will for sure be broadcast through this podcast. 

This makes it great for all levels of archers, or just archery enthusiasts!

The podcast itself is always great quality, enjoyable and easy to listen to. Being as informative and up to date with anything and everything as it is, all levels of archers need to listen to the podcasts. 

One of the best things about the podcast is that George and Steve sound like they are genuinely having fun. They know what they’re talking about and they are great hosts. 

One of the most informative podcasts right now is the one that aired on 5 March. This episode gives its listeners some key information about the upcoming World Archery rule changes and how they will impact the season ahead, not just for international archers, but any archer shooting a World Archery shoot.

Looking for more?

There are plenty of other archery-themed podcasts available wherever you listen to them. Producing one is more of a labour-intensive project than it seems, and not all are still running. (Luckily a lot of archery content is evergreen.) One of the longest running is The Push, based around traditional archery (although with a strong hunting slant).

The Barebow Archery Podcast hasn’t been active for a while, but the 13 episodes available are excellent. The Barebow Project is very much active, however and well worth a listen. Traditional and Asiatic Archery covers what you might expect and has a range of guests from around the world. Get searching!

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One comment on “The best archery podcasts
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