In a precision sport, it’s a matter of millimetres between winning and losing. John Dudley outlines the small things that make a big difference To start this article off I want you to try a little exercise for me. I want you…
The Small Things
Tagged with: alignment, bow hand, bubble, john dudley, nock fit, peep sight, small things, torque
Posted in Technique
Posted in Technique
Troubled by torque?
Ask The Experts

Q: I’m getting used to my new recurve after finishing a beginners course a few months back, but I’m noticing I’m getting a lot of string contact with my arm guard. It’s not hitting my arm, so it’s not painful, but…
Tagged with: arm guard, bracing height, clearance, contact, elbow position, grip, naomi folkard, rotation, string, torque
Posted in Technique
Posted in Technique
Maxed Out
Larry Godfrey gives you the lowdown on Win&Win’s top-end riser, the Inno MAX The latest instalment of the Inno range from Win&Win, introduced in 2013, is considered the big brother to the Inno CXT – the Inno MAX. The designers…
The Overdraw – Understood
Over my years as a coach and competitor I have had more and more people ask me to explain why I have used an overdraw on my bow and how it would affect their set up. I have been using…