Jaap Bolt takes us through his process It always astonishes me when I hear phrases from regular archers like: “I don’t put much effort in my wooden arrows because they will never be as good as carbon anyway.” And even:…
Our expert panel answers your questions, so send them in to [email protected] Q: Can you explain a bit about what types of back tension release aids are available? And should I use one with a click? Duncan Busby says: Using…
The archery tab designed by the 2000 Olympic gold medallist has been gaining some major fans, including Arne Metzlaff. At the European Games this year, Simon Fairweather posted a graphic on Facebook pointing out that the top four men in…
Could you do it? Duncan Busby investigates. Turning professional is the dream of many archers; being able to do what you love day in and day out whilst earning a good living seems like the perfect job. Historically archery has…
The majority of places for Olympic competition at Tokyo 2020 were handed out at the World Championships in Den Bosch, Netherlands. For Great Britain’s men’s team of Tom Hall, Patrick Huston and Alex Wise, they managed to qualify in eighth…
By Duncan Busby, who likes to keep things balanced. Look along any shooting line and you will see an entire row of stabilisers pointing towards the target. These are not actually essential to shoot a bow, but you will see…
Our expert panel answers your questions. Send yours to [email protected] Q: I’ve noticed that whenever I shoot a perfect end I tend to follow this up by shooting badly in my next end. What’s going on? Duncan Busby says: You…
This time, Lucy O’ Sullivan focuses on developing a strong back for archery. Did you know that if you strengthen your back muscles not only will you improve your posture and reduce lower back pain, but you will certainly improve your…