Jan H Sachers takes an in-depth look at the history of archery at the modern Olympic Games. The Olympic Games of antiquity were held every four years from at least 776 BC to AD 393, when these ‘vulgar’ pagan displays…
Marc Dellenbach says that the key to Korean archery dominance is in their schools. Marc Dellenbach was the French Olympic team coach from 2004-2016, and is now the national junior head coach of Germany. Early in 2019 he took a…
Lisa Unruh dazzled her home country in Rio – and hasn’t stopped winning since. We find out how just how she does it.
Incase you missed it, the Deepika Kumari documentary has finally been released on Netflix, so you can watch in the comfort of your own home!
Ever dreamed about seeing how you stack up against the best in the world? You can, says Patrick Huston, as there are several world ranking shoots open to all archers
London Olympic champion Oh Jin Hyek missed out on a place on the Rio team – but he’s back on the international circuit and shooting to win again. John Stanley catches up with him at the Shangahi World Cup stage