A chance for change? Staying fit and keeping perspective in difficult times. By Arne Metzlaff and Bow staff. Chances are, by now, you’ll never want to hear the word ‘coronavirus’ ever again, unless it’s in a historical context. But inevitably,…
Lucy O’Sullivan
Archery during Covid-19 – keeping sane
Tagged with: archery training, bow, club archery, coronavirus, lockdown, Lucy O'Sullivan, shoot, shooting, theraband
Posted in Features
Posted in Features
Field fitness: making the difference
Lucy O’Sullivan won a Pro Series field event at the first try. How did she do it? As many of you may know, I am a target archer through and through. I was however lucky to get a chance to…
Tagged with: bow, field archery, field event, Lucy O'Sullivan, pro series, shoot, shooting, tagret, wales
Posted in Technique
Posted in Technique
Fitness: is it really that important?
Back in the groove
This time, Lucy O’ Sullivan focuses on developing a strong back for archery. Did you know that if you strengthen your back muscles not only will you improve your posture and reduce lower back pain, but you will certainly improve your…
Tagged with: archery, back muscles, gym, Lucy O'Sullivan, performance, posture, shooting, strong back
Posted in Features, Technique
Posted in Features, Technique
How to overcome ‘wrong’ eye dominance
Left-eye dominant but right-handed, Lucy O’Sullivan has spent a fair amount of time working to overcome the problems that presents. Here, she shares some of the tips and tricks she’s learned
Tagged with: archer, archery advice, archery technique, archery tricks, Bow International, eye dominance, Lucy O'Sullivan, Off Eye, overcoming archery obstacles, Pilla glasses, tips
Posted in Features, Technique
Posted in Features, Technique