Duncan Busby outlines the importance of a set of comfortable, consistent reference points, and explains how you can find what works for you
How to get your references right
Posted in Features, Technique
Q&A: Keeping your cool after a bad shot
Posted in FAQs, Psychology, Technique
How to combat competitive mind games

From well-meaning but misguided comments to deliberate mind games, there are a number of things that can put you off your shot. Danielle Brown shares her guide to coping with it
Posted in Features, Psychology
5 Top tips to keep archery practice exciting

Archery is the art of repetition, but long hours spent doing the same thing can get dull. Lucy O’Sullivan shares her top tips on keeping practice engaging
Posted in Features, Psychology, Technique
Performance Pressure

In a stressful situation, Duncan Busby says learning how to deal with performance pressure is key to becoming a better archer Performance pressure will affect every archer at some point, whether you’re practicing down at your local club or competing at a…
Posted in Technique
A Kind of Magic

Merlin Archery‘s Grizzly Jim explains the lure of instinctive archery As far back as I can remember I’ve always had a bow in my hand of some description, whether I was running around the farm with just a primitive selfbow that…
Posted in Technique
The Thinking Side of Archery
Aiming and Attention

Liam Grimwood explains how to achieve the relaxed yet focused aim top shooters use, which can help keep you calm as well as on target Aiming is an extremely critical part of the shot. Most compound shooters that…
Posted in Technique, Uncategorized
Motor Learning

Craig Johnson explains how the brain learns in co-ordination with muscle systems, and how archers can use that to their advantage in training I have previously given an overview of the nervous system and looked at feedback in the motor system,…
Posted in Psychology
Behind The Line

A whole new perspective on archery is within your reach – John Dudley explains how to find it I have been asked – by many archers and on many occasions – several common questions relating to performance archery. A few…
Posted in Technique