We’re offering the latest archery advice from our experts here at Bow International Q: I’m thinking about trying a kisser button. They seem to go in and out of fashion? A: The kisser button is a simple device attached to…
Expert, Adrian Tippins, reveals show to know if your nocks fit correctly, an area often overlooked in archery…
Q: I’m new to instinctive archery, having migrated over from Olympic style recurve and I must say that I’m loving it! The only trouble is that now, I’m not very accurate shooting this way. Is this something that will naturally improve…
Q: How can I best use my practice time to prepare for competition? A: The aim of good practice is to manipulate your training to mirror competition as much as possible. This will allow you to practice the skills used in…
Our panel of experts from around the world answer your questions on every aspect of shooting technique, psychology and equipment