Whether you’re shooting with a disability or coaching someone with one, there are several important things to be aware of says Danielle Brown Governments and sporting bodies have tried to categorise disability the world over, but due to the complex nature…
danielle brown
Adapting Your Approach
Posted in Technique
Danielle Brown classification appeal unsuccessful
Danielle Brown has been classified as ‘not eligible’ to participate in Para-archery competitions, after an appeal she lodged against her original re-classification has not changed the outcome. The archer, who shoots using a perching stool, was re-classified after the Para-Archery…
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Brown appeal accepted
Danielle Brown is due to have her disability classification re-assessed. The archer, who was not classified as a para-athlete under World Archery’s new rules brought in last November, has had her appeal accepted by World Archery and will be re-tested…
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GB number 1 out of Para-contention

Danielle Brown, the UK’s top-ranked para-archer, has been ruled out of being able to compete at future para-archery events due to a change in the disability classifications. The double Paralympic Games gold medallist and three-time Para-World Championships winner has become…
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Dani awarded MBE
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