Duncan Busby demystifies the defining feature of a compound bow Since their introduction in the 1960s compound bows have stood out amongst more traditional recurves or longbows due to one specific feature: their use of a cam system. The cams…
Alistair Whittingham shares his top tips for combating competition nerves and settling into the game quicker
While practice might not make perfect, it should at least make you better. Coach Larry Wise explains how to structure a practice session to achieve just that
When Dave Leader and Gaynor Hutchison took over Aim4Sport, they decided to build on their love for coaching and create a combined retail and training centre
John Stanley explores the concept of mindfulness, and finds that it’s linked to archery in more ways than just as a tool for improvement
James Park looks back at the use of two and four fletchings on an arrow, and reveals why three became the standard used today
Breaking blades, torn fletchings, or poor arrow flight can all be symptoms of vane contact with your rest. Duncan Busby explains how to find it, and how to fix it