
Horseback Archery: a short history

Jan H. Sachers M.A takes us on a remarkable journey. As a modern sport, horseback archery (HBA) is a relatively new phenomenon. But its origins date back many thousands of years, and over the course of history it has been

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Arrows: dynamic behaviour

Dr. James Park explains just what happens on the way to the target. Arrows do rather a lot in the few moments they spend in the air. They flex vertically and laterally, rotate about their centre of mass in both

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Field archery in winter

If you are looking to get in more shooting, you can enjoy winter field archery with a few small adaptations. Asking a field archer when the indoor season starts and you are likely to get a funny look. The National

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KTA: The Bow

The ‘strongest’ bow in the world? Kristina Dolgilevica investigates. The Korean gakgung literally translates as ‘horn bow’. In comparison to its other traditional counterparts, it is considered to be the most advanced bow in terms of its engineering. A horn

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What’s On Your Bow: Nîmes

What were the elite swinging in the south of France in 2020? Lisell Jäatma (Estonia) Reigning Nimes champion, silver medallist in Vegas and Bow cover star Bow: Mathews TRX 36 Draw length: 24.5Draw weight: 54#Rest and blade – AAE Pro blade

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Six ways to improve your recurve release

Ashe Morgan looks at a few different ways to improve the most important part of your shot. The release is the most important part of your recurve shot; consistency here will skyrocket your performance, and even minor errors can drop

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Archery: what the pros eat

Mimi Landström explores what the pros eat in competition. It’s wintertime, and you may well have been indulging a little in the last month or so, and perhaps wondering how to get back to that next level in the New

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Indoor: 12 compound tweaks

Duncan Busby shows you how to squeeze out every last point on the way to 600. In recent years indoor archery has become about the pursuit for perfection; this indoor season alone has seen world records falling in the compound

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KTA: An introduction

Kristina Dolgilevica took a second trip to Korea to learn traditional archery, and gave us a taste. Korean traditional archery (KTA), much like Japanese kyudo, descends from both martial and ceremonial practices. Thanks to various Imperial campaigns to preserve archery

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Looking back at Berlin 2019

The Berlin Open is one of the more respected indoor tournaments in Europe. Running since 2012, it has moved venues – and management teams – more than once. There is now ambition here to be one of the major indoor

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