
How to reach the next level in your archery

You’ve finished your beginners’ course – but what’s next? Andrew Smith explains the progression options there are, and where to find them

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Advice from an archery coach

What a coach sees… Alistair Whittingham reveals the most common technique issues he encounters in his capacity as a coach

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Basic reminders to help your shot

Andrew Smith looks at the five of the most common shooting errors, which, if addressed, will make it easier for you to repeat the same shot routine each time.

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Indoor tuning: Getting to the point

Duncan Busby continues his look at indoor tuning with an analysis of what different point weights can do for your setup

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Q&A: The function of arrow wraps

What exactly is the function of arrow wraps? Can’t quite work out if they’ll be beneficial to your setup or not? Andrew Tippins explains!

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The essential guide to arrow pressure buttons

Patrick Huston continues his guide to selecting the right equipment – this time looking at arrows and a tuning counterpart of theirs – pressure buttons

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Why you should take your archery indoors

If this is your first indoor season, Andrew Smith has listed the 10 things to be aware of that will help you hit the ground running

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How to build an arrow pt 5: Matching

In his fifth and final instalment on building the perfect set of arrows, Adrian Tippins explains how to weight match you arrows – and why it’s worthwhile doing

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Top tips: picking out your kit

Patrick Huston looks at the factors you’ll need to consider before investing in new archery equipment, from selecting your limb materials to knowing which tab shape is right for you

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The joy of stumping!

It might not be the most common form of archery, but for Jim Kent it’s one of the purest. Here, he explains the allure of stumping, and how to go about trying it for yourself

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