When it comes to selecting carbons, it’s still best to approach things carefully. By Andrew Smith Competitive archers are always looking for an advantage and constantly musing over how they can improve their equipment. Arrows are always high on the…
Carbon arrows: what you should know
Posted in Features
Arrows are not bullets
Real world arrow deflection tests provide insight into range safety and the safe design of field archery ranges. By Simon Allen. Since Archery GB produced their 2017 ‘A guide to field archery courses’ there has been much debate over the…
Posted in Features
Fat or thin? We have the definitive answer
Forget the anecdotal evidence – we’ve run the numbers. By Ferdinand Wegrostek and Bernd Kolmanz For indoor shooting (e.g. WA 18) the use of thicker arrow shafts instead of thinner ones is discussed again and again. Do thicker arrows really…
Posted in Technique
Ask the experts
It’s that time again for our experts to answer your questions, so if you have any then please send them to [email protected] Q: I usually shoot with a back tension release but it’s difficult to use in bad weather, would…
Posted in Technique
Shooting with curves
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Our expert panel answers your questions. Send yours to [email protected] Q: I’ve noticed that whenever I shoot a perfect end I tend to follow this up by shooting badly in my next end. What’s going on? Duncan Busby says: You…
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The business end with Adrian Tippins
The mindset: form and execution
Ask the experts
I thought ILF risers and limbs were all supposed to fit together the same? My limbs don’t fit exactly in the riser pocket? How does this all work, exactly? Andrew Smith says… International Limb Fitting, more commonly known as ILF,…
Posted in Features, Technique