Wonder what the elite were swinging in Turkey? This is your chance to find out.
Reigning Vegas champion, twice a World Cup final winner

Long sponsored by Hoyt, Sergio also has his own company that produces blades and rests.
BOW: Hoyt Prevail 40 (60lb) (SVX, XT 2000)
REST & BLADE: C.D. Spot 3
SIGHT: Shibuya CPX
SCOPE: Beiter 39
LENS:75 Dot
STABILISERS: Beiter. 37″ longrod with 500g on the end, 3″ siderod with 300g on the end. Beiter V-Box on the back of the bow.
GRIP: Standard
PEEP: Speciality Archery 3/64
STRINGS: C.D. Custom
RELEASE AID: Cascade X8 (Spot Hogg)
ARROWS: Easton ProTour 380, 140gn points, Gas Pro vanes (1 3/4 inch), Beiter nocks
60m world record holder

In 2019, Wentzel became the first South African archer to win a World Cup stage.
BOW: Hoyt Prevail 37 (60lb)
REST & BLADE: Hoyt Pro
SIGHT: Axcel Achieve
SCOPE: AxcelAV25
LENS: Feathervision 6x with black 3mm dot
STABILISERS: Quattro. 30″ on the front with 7.5oz weight, 11″ on the back with 8oz weight
GRIP: Standard Prevail
PEEP: Fletcher peep, 1/6
STRING: Scout 452x BCY (24 strand)
RELEASE: Carter A-Tension
ARROWS: Easton ProTour 670, 120gn points, Flex Fletch 187 vanes, Easton G-nocks
Olympic team gold medalist, 2012

Mauro’s notoriously heavy setup, with cranked-in limbs and very long drawlength, works for him and him (almost) alone. Don’t try this at home!
RISER: Fivics Titan X
LIMBS: Fivics Titan X in long, 54lb, 68 pounds on the fingers
SIGHT: Axcel Achieve XP
PIN: Beiter 8mm
BUTTON: Beiter
STABILISERS: Fivics ISO. 28” longrod with a 5” extender. 11″ side rods. “The longrod has 150g at the end, and the siderods 100g.” Also a short Fivics ‘top’ extender.
GRIP: Stock with tennis tape.
TAB: Fairweather tab.
REST: Shibuya
BUTTON: Beiter
ARROWS: Easton X10, 325 spine, “cut at the back.” Tungsten 140gn points. Elivanes P175, Beiter pin
Pan-American champion 2011

A perennial contender on the circuit and likely heading for her third Olympics next year. Valencia is now an Uukha pro.
RISER: Uukha Xpro 2
LIMBS: Uukha VX+, 40lb limbs in long (43 on the fingers)
SIGHT: Shibuya
PIN: Spigarelli, “small”
REST: Shibuya Ultra
BUTTON: Beiter
STABILISERS: Easton Contour CS. 30″ longrod with Doinker and 5oz weights, 15″ siderods with Doinkers and 4.5oz weights
GRIP: Stock with tennis tape.
TAB: Win & Win EZ
ARROWS: Easton X10. Tungsten 120gn points. KSL Jet 6 spin vanes, Beiter pin nocks.
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