How was it for you? Bow wraps up 2019 with a look back at what went on…
As usual, first thing in January the whole of the archery world involved in trade decamped to Louisville, Kentucky, for the ATA, the world’s largest annual archery trade fair.
A very large proportion of it is dedicated to hunting, but Bow went along to tackle the target side and look at new products from manufacturers including Win & Win, Easton, AAE, Hoyt, Shibuya, Truball, Bohning, Beiter and many more.

Win & Win showed off their dizzying new array of recurve limbs (they’ve added a couple more since then). Bow will be back there in January 2020 bringing you all the new gear.
January also saw Nîmes, with the top Korean pros invading the recurve divisions and Lee Seungyun taking gold – in his first ever indoor tournament. Mike Schloesser somehow failed to take gold in the compound men’s division, settling for bronze. That wouldn’t repeat itself much in 2019…

Bow cover star: nobody in particular
Also as usual, the beginning of February saw the tribal gathering of The Vegas Shoot take shape in Nevada. A record-breaking year saw 3,767 archers from just under 50 countries participate, with the organisers gearing up for 4,000 next year.
For the first time, Bow had a booth there complete with stickers, back issues for sale and and flyers. This year, a record 23 men shot the perfect 900 score in the compound open division.
(Over 70 in the open competition had shot clean on the first day of competition, also smashing a tournament record). Sergio Pagni of Italy won the grand shootdown for the second time.
For the first time (and it was long overdue), barebow got its own division in Vegas, and it brought with it one of the most fun bunch ever to compete. There was none of the serious stomping in silence to retrieve arrows you often see at the South Point. Who knows what the competition will have in store next year.


Bow cover star: Gabi Bayardo
The European Indoor Champs wrapped in Samsun, Turkey, with Gizem Elmaagacli of Turkey, Italy’s Max Mandia, Russia’s Sayana Tsyrempilova and Dutch world number one Mike Schloesser taking the individual titles.
In an interesting international step, Taiwan (better known in Olympic sport circles as Chinese Taipei) started their own sponsored professional league, with 48 archers being selected in a draft to make up six teams.
Japan’s Olympic committee finally unveiled the Olympic pictogram for archery, not long before unveiling the remarkable venue for the 2020 Games, the main qualification field of which will remain permanently in place.

Bow cover star: Casey Kaufhold
Tokyo held a successful test event and Mike Schloesser was awarded the Knight Of The Order of Orange-Nassau for his sporting services to the Netherlands.
The first archery World Cup stage of the year was held in Colombia, and demolished by Kang Chae Young and Brady Ellison on the recurve front – a pattern that would be repeated later in the year.
Bow got its grubby hands on the WIAWIS CX7 riser, the review of which turned out to be one of the most popular – and shared – articles of the year. Casey Kaufhold submitted to our interview skills. Spring was in the air!

That’s January to April covered! Check back tomorrow for May to August!