In our third and final part, Bow continues to wrap up 2019 with a look back at what went on.

Bow cover star: some arrows
Brady Ellison was in the news again, capping an incredible year by winning the World Cup Final in Moscow, for a record-equalling fifth time. The final in Moscow was a grand affair, while at the same time, Bow’s Arrow Issue was quite a hit, bringing together a bunch of articles both technical and illuminating for a special issue.
Bow took a stroll down to Egertec Targets to see the miracle of straw transformed into bosses by clever hands and even cleverer machines, and finally solved the ‘puzzle’ of fat or thin arrows. It took some doing.

Bow cover star: Kang Chae Young
Gift guide time! The European Field Champs saw Domagoj Buden of Croatia retain his title, and the Olympic champion get knocked out of the Korean selection process for Tokyo.
The indoor season gradually opened for business in Macau, with the Korean professionals riding over everybody. The JVD Open’s men’s recurve tournament was won by Sjef van den Berg – repaying Bow’s editorial faith in him by putting him in the preview feature. Sometimes, you hit the nail right on the head.
Bow looked at turning professional for recurves and improving your release, and our first editor Richard White took us right back to the beginning.


Bow cover star: Hoyt recurves
What happened in December 2019? Well, this one you are going to have to tell us: Bow went to press on 27 November.
However, we know what is upcoming: several major indoor tournaments including the Berlin Open, the Truball / Axcel Roma Archery Trophy, and the National Indoor Championships in the UK.
Most archers are now moving indoors and hoping the hall will get heated properly, practising for next year and gearing up for Christmas.
If you’ve got some special plans for December, wherever you are shooting and whatever you are doing – please let us know.