Question: I’m currently shooting 27in 850 ACE’s with 60 grain points out of a 68in 35lb bow (I’ve just increased my poundage to assist aiming to get to 100 yards). I’m having an issue and I’m not sure where to…
Ask the Experts: best exercises for a return to archery
Ask the experts

Our expert panel answers your questions. Send them in! Question: Is there a point where the Easton arrow spine chart just doesn’t work anymore? I shoot 38lb but I’m quite small and have 24in arrows, and I simply can’t find…
Tagged with: anchor, archer, arrow, arrows, Ask The Experts, bow, compound, easton arrow, shooting, target, thumb trigger, X10
Posted in Technique
Posted in Technique
Can compound help with recurve archery?
Can meditation make a difference in archery?
Compound: Micro Tuning

Duncan Busby on how to get the extra edge. We all know the merits of shooting a well tuned set up, but how much do you really know about the finer points of compound tuning? Micro-tuning is often overlooked but…
Tagged with: aim, arrows, bow, compound, compound tuning, duncan busby, grip, lockdown, micro tuning, nock, shooting, target, tuned, world archery
Posted in Technique
Posted in Technique
Ask the experts – stiff vs damped and other questions

Our expert panel answers your questions. Send yours to [email protected] Question: My son shoots competitive compound target archery. He currently shoots a 30″ front bar of a larger diameter and my thought is to upgrade to a much smaller diameter…
Tagged with: archers, archery, arrow, Ask The Experts, Axcel, bee stinger, beiter, bow, carbon, competitions, competitive, compound, conquest, facebook, gmb, nocks, olympic, outdoors, paralympic, rod, shooting, stabilisers, target, target archery, training, vibration, world archery
Posted in Technique
Posted in Technique