Q: I want to replace my compound string set, but how do I get the cams back in the correct position? A: When I put on a new set of Winners Choice Custom strings I simply use sellotape to find a perfect…
Q: I want to replace my compound string set, but how do I get the cams back in the correct position? A: When I put on a new set of Winners Choice Custom strings I simply use sellotape to find a perfect…
Q: Given that archery is such an individual sport a lot of the time, how important is a coach in reaching the higher levels? A: There have been a number of international competitors who have been self-educated, drawing information from other archers,…
Use your down time wisely, advises John Dudley, so you can hit the ground running Here we are once again, coming into the autumn season. I strongly believe that this season is the best time to make a few changes,…
Tricky conditions can cause your scores to take a tumble, but as Duncan Busby explains, perfect weather can also have a surprising effect on your scoring We all know that adverse weather can have a huge impact on our shooting,…
Q: Considering the amount professional archers shoot, what do you do to prevent injury? A For me the key to preventing injuries has always been rest days. I have shot full-time for five years and never experienced an injury, and I…
Q: I shoot compound but tend to pull the string hard up against my nose. I have read and heard that this can interfere with the arrow flight on release – is this habit really that bad for my shooting? …