
The recurve archer’s drawing arm

Archer from World Archery

Dr James Park calculates the optimal draw force line There are a few modern tools available to coaches and archers, video analysis being one of the most commonly used. We take another look at Archery Biomechanics App, this time at

Posted in Features, Technique

“Compound Bow Arm: Straight or bent?”

Compound Bow Arm: Straight or bent?

Duncan Busby gives expert guidance on how to find a “perfect” compound bow arm Since its introduction in the 1960’s, the compound bow has been constantly evolving. It’s not just bow design and technology that have moved on, compound shooting

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The essence of accuracy

A lesson on achieving higher accuracy – for those just starting. With Roy Rose The obvious objective of an archer, of any discipline, is consistent accuracy. This goal is no secret. What is required is repetitive duplication. If it was

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Should barebow archers use sears?

Kristina Dolgilevica looks at sears and how barebows can – and can’t – use them As a barebow archer I personally find no need to employ any of the sear techniques, though I do teach them when requested. Many of

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How to get to grips with the clicker

Mimi Landström takes a look at one of the most common hang-ups in target archery For recurve archers, the clicker can be a love/hate relationship. Nearly every international recurve archer shoots with a clicker, so why, and how, can it

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Core archery: squats

Getting down with Lucy O’Sullivan You may, by now, be slightly sick of my talking about gym exercises again. Don’t worry, I get it – but it’s all for the greater good, I promise. Squats are my go to exercise

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Modelling arrows – how to select the best arrow for any situation

By Dr James Park In my recent article “Tips on optimising your field archery gear” in Bow 156, I noted that while I use X10s with my recurve bow on the target range, I use ACEs on the field course.

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Getting started with field archery

Try it this winter, with Andrew Smith  For many target archers, shooting indoors this winter will still be restricted. With that prospect in mind, it’s worth giving field archery a go if you have never tried it. Field archery is

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Tips on optimising your field archery gear

Dr James Park takes us out there Target archery is usually conducted outdoors on large fields, exposed to the weather. Consequently, minimising the distance an arrow drifts in wind is important. To do that, it is best to use small-diameter,

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Choosing barebow arrows

Kristina Dolgilevica offers advice on how to choose and gives her top picks. Many experienced barebow archers can find it a little overwhelming when shopping for or tuning arrows. When we buy equipment, we want to buy the best available

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