Jan H. Sachers this time Jan H. Sachers delves into the contents of Asham’s archery manual Roger Ascham’s Toxophilus, first published in 1545, is considered the oldest written introduction in Europe on how to shoot with bow and arrow. But…
Jan H. Sachers this time Jan H. Sachers delves into the contents of Asham’s archery manual Roger Ascham’s Toxophilus, first published in 1545, is considered the oldest written introduction in Europe on how to shoot with bow and arrow. But…
Alex Tyler on how the smallest archers can start their journey There are many ways in which a child may find out about archery. It may be the sight of archery action in a film, a school or scout troop…
Bow continues the conversation with WA’s Coach of the Year Why do some talented archers fail? Lack of hard work, fear of failure, pressure of life. Talent is something you brought with you when you came into the sport, and…
Joe Parker: For over a thousand years, you had to draw a bow to get somewhere in life Depictions on this page spread are taken from a Chinese scroll dated around 1426-35, depicting entertainments in the Eastern Park of the…
Kristina Dolgilevica: Insights into working with the disabled and the paralympic archers Finding a highly experienced coach who has worked with the disabled and para-athletes is not an easy task. After having contacted many of the industry professionals and world…
By Sophie Meering The Fairweather tabs have taken the archery scene by storm, with many archers such as the GBR Women’s team, Mete Gazoz (Tokyo 2020 individual champion), Marie Horáčková, using the tab and winning big titles on the World…